Month: June 2015

Celebrate the little things


For some, just getting moving in the morning can be a challenge.

The questions I ask are; what’s your biggest challenge? What’s holding you back? How can you create a life you can reflect on as accomplished. What are your values, how are you positioning them? Are you aligned?

It only has to be a life you are happy with, you see as beautiful, you appreciate, you admire within you. If others appreciate it that’s great.

Eternally there’s this nagging thought a self-doubt niggling at you that says, are you doing a good enough job.   And not just at work.  As a friend, a sibling, a son, a dad, a lover, an ex, a potential partner, consultant just about everything a person can do can niggle. Self-doubt. Most of us face it daily and each day I metaphorically slap myself in the face grab my jocks and rip up (I repeat metaphorically) to snap myself out of it.  I don’t have much in the way of assets.  I don’t own a home, I ask the question eternally what it is that I do with my money? Then I look around; the unused gadgets, the clothes, car, things, and more things. But there is one investment I can’t fault.

Her.  A priceless gift from the gods, the most incredible accident my desire has ever created. She, the little me, the creation.

Regardless we return to the struggle, the niggle, the nag. Are you good enough, have you done enough. WHAT IS ENOUGH!?

So here I sit, at a desk at a keyboard typing as if this will give me some reprise from the nag, niggle, struggle or was that the other way around?  Most of the time I can’t concentrate for more than five minutes, so I think. How can I get more, how can I achieve more, do more with less and help others do the same.



Be a better you can start here.

  1. Start your day with happiness. Instagram makes me happy, so I check it out most mornings.
  2. How can you do more of the things you love? What do you ache for? De-clutter your life? We have so much stuff we don’t need, it crowds our minds and takes us away from the things we love doing
  3. De-clutter your friends. Those that you think you need but offer nothing don’t make you a better person but expect you to make them one.
  4. Pick three simple goals. What can you achieve in the next week and how will accomplishing those things make you feel?
  5. Pick three simple tasks for the week. We alway look for the big win, when we should focus on the little things, the small wins. Celebrating small wins
  6. Pick three for the day
  7. Do five mins on each – See how you feel.
  8. Don’t complain about anything for just one day and see how how you feel. It’s amazing.
  9. Take five minutes out to just breathe – in and out.  Focus on the air entering your mouth or nose, down your throat and into your lungs. Pause

Do the above, do it for five days and see what happens, write a journal and see how you feel.  I’ve been practising it for awhile and still have a long way to go, but I have noticed, I’ve become more focused, done more, smiled more and just been happier.

If you read this, let me know how you go, I’d love to hear.

Celebrate the little things and big things will follow.