Category: Change

Change is constant with layers of influence across every aspect of our lives, here we attempt to find and leverage tools that help ease the process, amplify strengths and make change easy.

Celebrate the little things


For some, just getting moving in the morning can be a challenge.

The questions I ask are; what’s your biggest challenge? What’s holding you back? How can you create a life you can reflect on as accomplished. What are your values, how are you positioning them? Are you aligned?

It only has to be a life you are happy with, you see as beautiful, you appreciate, you admire within you. If others appreciate it that’s great.

Eternally there’s this nagging thought a self-doubt niggling at you that says, are you doing a good enough job.   And not just at work.  As a friend, a sibling, a son, a dad, a lover, an ex, a potential partner, consultant just about everything a person can do can niggle. Self-doubt. Most of us face it daily and each day I metaphorically slap myself in the face grab my jocks and rip up (I repeat metaphorically) to snap myself out of it.  I don’t have much in the way of assets.  I don’t own a home, I ask the question eternally what it is that I do with my money? Then I look around; the unused gadgets, the clothes, car, things, and more things. But there is one investment I can’t fault.

Her.  A priceless gift from the gods, the most incredible accident my desire has ever created. She, the little me, the creation.

Regardless we return to the struggle, the niggle, the nag. Are you good enough, have you done enough. WHAT IS ENOUGH!?

So here I sit, at a desk at a keyboard typing as if this will give me some reprise from the nag, niggle, struggle or was that the other way around?  Most of the time I can’t concentrate for more than five minutes, so I think. How can I get more, how can I achieve more, do more with less and help others do the same.



Be a better you can start here.

  1. Start your day with happiness. Instagram makes me happy, so I check it out most mornings.
  2. How can you do more of the things you love? What do you ache for? De-clutter your life? We have so much stuff we don’t need, it crowds our minds and takes us away from the things we love doing
  3. De-clutter your friends. Those that you think you need but offer nothing don’t make you a better person but expect you to make them one.
  4. Pick three simple goals. What can you achieve in the next week and how will accomplishing those things make you feel?
  5. Pick three simple tasks for the week. We alway look for the big win, when we should focus on the little things, the small wins. Celebrating small wins
  6. Pick three for the day
  7. Do five mins on each – See how you feel.
  8. Don’t complain about anything for just one day and see how how you feel. It’s amazing.
  9. Take five minutes out to just breathe – in and out.  Focus on the air entering your mouth or nose, down your throat and into your lungs. Pause

Do the above, do it for five days and see what happens, write a journal and see how you feel.  I’ve been practising it for awhile and still have a long way to go, but I have noticed, I’ve become more focused, done more, smiled more and just been happier.

If you read this, let me know how you go, I’d love to hear.

Celebrate the little things and big things will follow.



The Bulletproof (r) coffee bandwagon

So, I’ve been all into supplements, staying healthy and attempting to push my brain a bit harder everyday. By no means do I sit in the over achieving multi squillionaire silicon valley super-geek category. I’m just an average guy attempting to study while working and do a bit of training to stay healthy.

That said I noticed, that overtime, my brain was becoming a bit fuzzy when I’d try to capture knowledge for exams (I have one comping up tomorrow) and I have eternally struggled to focus on any single task for more than ten to twenty minutes at a time. So this got me thinking, how can I get more from me, so I can spend more time doing the things I love.

Enter Bio Hacking, Enter; enter lets imrpove our daily output quickly..

I drink coffee, a lot and I love it. With this in mind and some previous scanning (not reading as I struggle to concentrate remember) of the Bulletproof executive I purchased some MCT oil. one ingredient of the Bulletproof Coffee and started to have it in my morning coffee.

WHAM! I immediately noticed a difference in focus, clarity, and desire to learn, THAT DAY! So I though OK, there must be something in this. I then ran a workshop with a client and he was like the prophet of all things bio hacking, esp Dave Asprey, the patron saint of bio hacking. He used the orange tinted glasses to sleep, had changed out all his light globes at home, had the Bullet proof coffee and even had a little travel MCT oil in his bag at the workshop.

I thought to myself, it’s time to get the coffee, to get the supplements to try the sleep matt, to get more out of me..

So I have, I ordered a pack of coffee, some ghee butter, some MCT oil, Ciltep and upgraded coffee from and haven’t looked back. This week had been whirlwind of productivity, I got my work done quickly, I nailed all my study for an exam in three days, I lost 2.5 kgs without counting calories and I’m feeling pretty awesome with a huge commitment to do and try more.

So right now until something changes I’ll stick on Bulletproof path and blogging about it here. If I can optimise and focus, anyone can and if it’s working on me, it should work for whoever may one day read this post.

I’ll attempt in my own summarised, succinct and possibly incredibly boring manner to capture my experience and hopefully productivity and IQ shift along the way.

Now back to my day job.

Brain training – its the new, NEW…

I’ve been working on my fitness for the past two years, then I started to read a book (I still haven’t finished it) – The brain that changes itself – Norman Dodge –  it talk about the brains ability to forge new connections – neural pathways – no matter how old you are and that through simple exercise you can enhance your cognitive capability. So now, I’m not only training my body but I’m also training my mind using Luminosity and Brain science.


I’m nearly 40 and I wanted to feel fit, fabulous and healthy for this milestone. I also want to adjust (if possible) my physiology had a deep understanding that I’d given my body and brain a good beating in my 20’s and early 30’s. I was a firm believer in the work hard party harder mentality, only the party seemed to consistently win out of over the work and hence my career and career status suffered as a result. People change, beliefs change everyone can change but only if they want to…

Some would say you should not openly discuss this kind of thing on a blog, but I say, why not? I’m human, I’ love to socialise and now, having recognised this was not a sustainable way of living I have turned a corner and am heavily focused on how I can hack my brain, rebuild my capability and, ideally, increase, fitness, iq, EQ (Emotional Quotient) and ability to deliver amazing work, results and presentations.

I’d like to present to people that while we all make mistakes, it’s those mistakes and the willingness and commitment to change that define who we are in the future.  Our past teaches us lessons but as our future is unwritten it’s only our desire to accomplish and commitment to that journey that make these changes possible.

So, what has this journey entailed;

1. Quitting smoking – I still have the odd cigarette and yes I do sometimes enjoy them but in general I hate smoking and the smell and hate it even more once i have smoked a cigarette

2. Committing to a healthier lifestyle. – I still love chocolate, burgers and chips and yes I still eat them, however I do my best to balance out some unhealthy eating habits with healthier habits like running and push-ups, the gym and of course my favourite…BOOTCAMP with Scuba at My fitness journey.

More recently I have started working as a Business optimisation consultant with an amazing organisation called Sitecore who have created the greatest digital marketing platform for amazing customer engagement. This test my mental capability at every turn, so I am constantly reading or working to stay ahead of the curve when it come to digital and business strategy.

So how does this all relate back to training my brain?

It’s getting more oxygen through exercise I recently read on luminosity that riding a bike is a great way to reduce street and promote the growth of new brain cells. Now I used to ride a bike, and probably will again, but I’m more into running and bootcamp at this stage.  I know when I don’t exercise as my stress level do go sky rocket and generally I end up in an argument with my ex about parenting..

So, I’m staying fit and brain training, I’m forging new neural pathways and strengthening my cognitive capability everyday, hopefully it reaps rewards in my personal and professional life.  Whatever happens creating habits like this will last the rest of my life and will hopefully cascade across to my daughter as well.

I’ll track my progress weekly where possible to see where I end up and I’ll most probably try other things to make thinking easier.



I can be the most chaotic person. So many ideas so little time and always interrupting myself with regular web holidays.

So what better thing for me to do than to investigate how to make a difference in my life with simple productivity tools. In my journeys I have found many interesting blogs, articles, read books and spent countless hours re-structuring how I process information.

While definitely not an efficient work-horse I am getting there…This is my page on productivity and as I find interesting or relevant information I will place it up here and share the knowledge. Change begins at the point you choose and making it a fluid transition from known practices to new ones is an exciting journey to take.

So I’ve read GTD by David Allen, I’ve attempted to implement it numerous times and am about to revisit this implementation again for the third time…I am committed to improving my productivity and will make this happen. Enjoy…

Black, Grey and White

I registered my business name a month ago and have been working feverishly (well sort of) ever since.

Like most people, I love the notion of being my own boss, but also, like most I have not really been sure where to start or even, how to position myself.

So with this as my starting point I have been following my own business coaching advice and have come up with the three pillars to You’ve Changed – A movement in human potential.

The Shades (Colours) whatever you want to call them are Black, White and Grey.

Black and White

The decision to affect change in you life is clear cut, it’s black and white. The black represents the parts of your like you are not satisfied with or feel uncomfortable about and wish to move beyond, while the white is the area you wish to enter, effectively a white light zone, or space of free unfettered and satisfying existence. Fulfilled most days and striving to achieve what you deserve while knowing you are inherently supported by not only your conviction but also by a group of like-mined changed individuals. Stepping out of a black space, or addressing the black parts of our existence and shedding light on them can take time which leads us to the Grey area, a space through which you will find the support of and entity (an the people within it) like You’ve changed to be motivational, inspirational and hopefully invaluable on your journey.

(It sounds corny and forgive me and hear me out as like-you, I to can be cynical)

Grey – Uncertainty

Most of us don’t know where to start and this is the best place to be for it’s here you begin making decisions about your life, where you want it to be, interests, passions, why and you define how much you want it? It’s where you accept / address the parts of your life you may not love but know they provide the vehicle through which you can obtain a supportive and white-light existence.

We use thorough testing, questioning and analysis, to help unearth your potential, realise some dreams and shed parts of your life that bind you to an unfulfilled existence, it is here you will find you white light, a pure, unfettered, satisfying space.


Where you want to be, where you should be, the life where you live and do exactly what it is you’ve always dreamed of but never believed you could make it…So here it is, in all it’s pristine glory a beautiful reflection of the moon….A nothing pervading everything you do, making you feel act and be c as complete as the universe you are part of and removed from…

So, change is constant, there are no limitations and the only thing you have to do is fade from black to grey into white..Welcome to your new beginning…