Category: Get Moving

Black, Grey and White

I registered my business name a month ago and have been working feverishly (well sort of) ever since.

Like most people, I love the notion of being my own boss, but also, like most I have not really been sure where to start or even, how to position myself.

So with this as my starting point I have been following my own business coaching advice and have come up with the three pillars to You’ve Changed – A movement in human potential.

The Shades (Colours) whatever you want to call them are Black, White and Grey.

Black and White

The decision to affect change in you life is clear cut, it’s black and white. The black represents the parts of your like you are not satisfied with or feel uncomfortable about and wish to move beyond, while the white is the area you wish to enter, effectively a white light zone, or space of free unfettered and satisfying existence. Fulfilled most days and striving to achieve what you deserve while knowing you are inherently supported by not only your conviction but also by a group of like-mined changed individuals. Stepping out of a black space, or addressing the black parts of our existence and shedding light on them can take time which leads us to the Grey area, a space through which you will find the support of and entity (an the people within it) like You’ve changed to be motivational, inspirational and hopefully invaluable on your journey.

(It sounds corny and forgive me and hear me out as like-you, I to can be cynical)

Grey – Uncertainty

Most of us don’t know where to start and this is the best place to be for it’s here you begin making decisions about your life, where you want it to be, interests, passions, why and you define how much you want it? It’s where you accept / address the parts of your life you may not love but know they provide the vehicle through which you can obtain a supportive and white-light existence.

We use thorough testing, questioning and analysis, to help unearth your potential, realise some dreams and shed parts of your life that bind you to an unfulfilled existence, it is here you will find you white light, a pure, unfettered, satisfying space.


Where you want to be, where you should be, the life where you live and do exactly what it is you’ve always dreamed of but never believed you could make it…So here it is, in all it’s pristine glory a beautiful reflection of the moon….A nothing pervading everything you do, making you feel act and be c as complete as the universe you are part of and removed from…

So, change is constant, there are no limitations and the only thing you have to do is fade from black to grey into white..Welcome to your new beginning…