Something great to help those looking to understand how Social contributes to the bottom line.
Category: Social Media
A Nice Social Commerce graphic
Facebook totally integrated
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The Conversation Workflow
The Conversation Workflow, originally uploaded by
Across the web we try to define, who, what and how people are interacting and communicating on the web. Brian Solis has defined a conversation work flow that neatly bundles up – from primarily a corporate perspective- how corporate’s engage in conversations.
It’s tough to define but this is a start.
Compassion / Noticing Others
Daniel Goleman gave a great presentation a couple of years ago on Compassion. He discusses five great topics, one of which centers on the notion that people are hard wired to give, however that we feel good about ourselves and slightly narcissist. We give to help but to feel good so essentially giving, super cialis while supposed to be altruistic can sometimes have the opposite effect.
The thing that separates people from sociopaths or Machiavellian is their empathy, or ability to tune in to others. Here is the insight that touches me, we are hard-wired to collaborate but have been taught to turn this off to pursue selfish objectives. I myself am turning it back on as selfishness serves no-one. The simple act of noticing other makes a huge difference, even just saying good morning to other when walking the dog make both you and them feel good, a little acknowledgment goes a long way.
Traditional Media is copping a beating, and all because of Real-time decisions…
Real-time and social media are shifting the consumer decision making landscape...Rob Katz - CEO of Vail Ski resorts discusses why they have moved to a social media strategy.